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Friday, December 01, 2006

Wanted to share this with you. Go to the website for more information.

WIN News - December 2006

This Month's "World In Need News"
Dear All,
Welcome to our first electronic edition of World In Need News. As the year draws to a close we wanted to briefly share with you some of the achievements that your generous donations have contributed towards, thank you. Along with these updates we also remember that at this festive season there are many who still need our prayers and support.

Malawi. Probably the poorest nation on earth and yet our leader there has been horribly attacked. Lloyd is the pioneer for over 300 churches and whilst he was away helping others, his wife was attacked. She lost most things in their home and was brutally manhandled. The gang have been caught and are before the judge.

Iraqi Kurdistan. Whilst the nation falls apart Ray is in Kurdistan helping the people there find ways of surviving. He has started a violin workshop and widows are learning to support themselves. (Note from Hilary, Ray has been there since before the first Gulf war.)

World In Need has produced a lovely informative 2007/8 calendar. Write to info@winint.org for your copy. If you can sell them in your organisation please let us know. They are ideal for those people you don't want to buy a gift for but you need to send more than a card this Christmas.
The building by a group of American 'Hard Hats' of the new WIN HQ accommodation bloc means that we can now run training courses on-site.

Afghanistan. The new team is doing well in the development of a widow's carpet training centre and day care for children. We now need people who can help sell these carpets in clubs, churches, etc. let us know if you can get involved.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

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