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Thursday, October 23, 2008

At last! I am writing again in a regular way. I wrote the first part of the first scene of this play I want to do about AIDS orphans and street children. I'm really pleased with the way the characters are getting to make themselves known as well.

Now, if I could just learn the lines for these two productions I am in...


fairyhedgehog said...

This is so much easier to read :)

Liana Brooks said...

Hello! I didn't realize you had a blog. I'll have to come back and read through when I'm not supposed to be heading to bed :o)

Lex said...

Doesn't it feel great to get writing something you care after a lengthy block of not doing so?

Unknown said...

Was reading your sript for "Pilgrims Progress" can not seem to find the whole script and want to use it for a school play. Sugestions?

Anonymous said...

THIS is god writing!??????! Christ. Mazza.

Anonymous said...

good? Hardly.