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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Life is hectic! We're producing the pantomime Hansel and Gretel (written by yours truly) and with one week to go, it's beginning to come together. Monday night's rehearsal was dreadful. I tell myself, it can only get better.
Then I wrote five short plays to add to the World In Need fighting poverty pack. You can read them at www.blueplanetinternet.net/WIN where they, and the whole pack is available for free download.
I'm working on Price of Firewood, a screenplay about a place similar to Darfur, and on Volunteers, a comedy stage play, and letting the trilogy ferment a little.
Plus keeping my crit rate on www.critiquecircle.com and living every day life, my daughter and mother both moving home, selling tickets and panicking because I still have so many left ....
Fingers crossed for the panto. If you pray, please do so. If you don't, please wish us the best.

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